Giovanni Palatucci
This website is dedicated to Giovanni Palatucci by one of his direct descendants, Gene De Simone, also born in Montella, Italy and now residing in Pennsylvania, United States of America.
Gene is honored and proud to be related to Giovanni Palatucci, and a small token of his love has decided to share as much information as possible in English for anyone to appreciate and honor Giovanni Palatucci

In 2013 a publication attacked Giovanni Palatucci as not only not being a savior of Jews, but in fact a collaborator of the Nazis (which makes no sense as he was deported and died in a concentration camp). In this age of “cut and paste” internet the disparaging article, was picked up and posted many times. Many independent studies were done. No one came up with the result that he worked for the Germans. The only dispute is whether is saved 1000, 5000, 200, 500 or 3233 (number at random) Jews. The true and exact number does not matter. Saving ONE LIFE makes you a hero, so we will not spend any additional time on this topic. Giovanni was and will remain a hero…
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